Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cardboard Mulching

I have rather a large area in which I need to kill off the weeds before I can start to plant my perennial vegetable/herb garden. The answer is cardboard mulch. I've been hitting the supermarkets for all the cardboard boxes I can get my hands on. I think they think I'm a bit peculiar. When I tell them I want the cardboard as mulch, they look at me as though I've grown an extra head.
So I'm working my way over the area (about 18m by 36m) with the cardboard and weighing it all down with bricks and a lot of rocks dug out of the general rubbish elsewhere in the garden. I hope and pray that we don't get any mighty winds in the near future. I have nightmares about the whole lot lifting off and settling over the neighbours. I've already apologised in advance to the folks at the back - the plot is going to look really ugly for a few months until I can get on top of this.
Still, the reason that I have used cardboard is that once down, I will not have to pick it up again. The bricks will be relaid as paths (thank heavens for e-bay - reclaimed bricks at an affordable price!) and I'll plant straight through the cardboard. As I get the compost bins going and the comfrey growing, I will then be able to mulch with something rather more attractive and nutritious.
Why so little frogspawn in the area? One scrawny blob in the pond at the front. One blob in a ditch up the hill, and no more. This area should be crawling with frogs. Where are they????
To the list of local birds, I can add jackdaws and curlews. The local rook population seems very healthy indeed. There are two rookeries within a mile and there are more rooks to be seen every day.... hundreds of them....

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