Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Birdsong - RSPB Link

Dull and misty this morning, but the kind of mist that looks as though it should burn off with the sun in a couple of hours. But nonetheless, the dawn chorus is in full blow.
Why do people think the country is a quiet place? The dawn chorus is better than any alarm clock..... sounds better too.
I finally got around to looking up the RSPB link for listening to the song/call of different bird species. It should help me to identifiy my "LBBs" . Beside the song, the link has an "Bird Identifier" guide

The other thing I need to identify is whatever is living in the pond up the hill. The lack of frogs disturbs me. The area should be seething with them. That pond is not ideal for frogs as it is a little too deep at the edges for them to lay their spawn. But there are shallow areas between the marsh grass etc. There should be something there. I'm beginning to wonder if the frogs know something I don't.
Perhaps I could find a coarse fisherman who can fish the pond and tell me what he catches??

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